Unraveling AhR Modulation for Advancements in Psoriasis Therapeutics
Principal Investigator: Stefano Motta, Ph.D.
Institution: University of Milano-Bicocca (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Grant Mechanism: Discovery Grant
Funding Amount: $72,000
Project Start Date: August 1, 2024
Project End Date: July 31, 2025
Status: Active
Keywords: Psoriasis, Computational Biology, Drug Therapy, Cell Biology
Project Summary:
Some proteins act as sensors and switches to help our body adapt to environmental changes. Drugs can be designed to activate these switches to treat diseases. Scientists found that the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) protein is a promising target for treating psoriasis, but it is not clear how this switch can be turned on. Last year, the detailed atomistic structure of AhR was resolved. Using this new information, this project aims to explain how drugs can control AhR to help treat psoriasis. We will use computer simulations that predict how drugs work on proteins. We also suggest which drugs are more promising for specifically treating psoriasis.