Clinical Trials

What You Need to Know

Learn how clinical trials are paving the next generation of psoriatic disease treatments and how you can participate in a trial. 

A male doctor discusses with a female patient in an office.

Clinical trials play an important role in informing researchers and health care providers about how a new treatment may improve the health of those living with psoriatic disease. Along with providing support for research, participating in a clinical trial also offers you access to new treatments and extra time with health care providers.

Find a Clinical Trial

Find out if there is trial in your area or trials that are accepting participants remotely.

A woman sitting on the floor with her tablet and dog.

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An older couple sits in front of a laptop and medication bottles.

Search for Trials is an excellent resource about ongoing clinical trials. Use their search function on their homepage to find trials related to psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. 

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Find the Information You Need

A female doctor listens as a patient speaks and holds his chest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to common questions about clinical trials, like who can participate and what does it mean for your treatment plan?

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A doctor speaks to a patient with a tablet in her hand.

Clinical Trials 101

Learn more about the drug development process, the possible benefits and drawbacks to participating in a trial and what happens afterwards.

Learn the basics

Clinical Trials Near You

Sign up to get notified of clinical trials for psoriatic disease in your area.

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