How Does Copay Assistance Work?

A woman sits at a desk calculating numbers from a spreadsheet.

Do you have high out-of-pocket costs? Do you use copay assistance to afford your treatment? If you said yes to either of these questions, you are not alone.

High out-of-pocket costs are a common challenge for people with psoriatic disease. In fact, a 2020 NPF survey of people with psoriatic disease found that 80% of people on commercial insurance rely on copay assistance to afford their biologic treatment. But, what happens when health insurance plans stop counting copay assistance toward your deductible and out-of-pocket maximum?

A new insurance program called a Copay Accumulator Adjustment Program (CAAP) is making it harder for people with psoriatic disease to afford the care you need. The use of CAAPs is becoming more common.

Request this free resource to learn about how these new health insurance programs could negatively impact you.

(An NPF Patient Navigator will email your resource(s) to you within 1-3 business days.)

This activity is supported by contributions from Amgen, BMS, Janssen, Lilly, Novartis, and UCB.

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