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Terri Dyer, LMHC

I have worked with clients with a diagnosis like myself. I understand the mental health struggles in self-care and with making treatment choices. I prioritize holistic and naturopathic care. I’ve always had an interest in the combination of mental health, medical health, and research sciences. I was a double major in social ecology sociology and biology at the University of California, Irvine and graduated cum laude. I conducted laboratory research in molecular biology and biochemistry as an undergraduate. I have had immune system illnesses since I was a teenager, but I did not realize the extent of how psoriasis and its many linked illnesses affected all of my life until recently. I was able to manage symptoms and eliminate most of my chronic illnesses when I used a holistic and non-medication approach after decades of relying solely on medications. But recent major life stressors, some traumatic, and health triggers have caused the most severe flare ups I have yet experienced. I have extensive experience with treating trauma, adjustment issues, mood and anxiety disorders, conduct and impulse issues, and court-referred cases. And I am able to relate well to clients who struggle with multiple illnesses like I have and am able to effectively address the mental health aspect of medical illness.

Type of Practice

  • Solo Practice

Accepting New Patients?

  • Yes


  • Mental Health


  • Female


  • English
  • Vietnamese


  • Cash / Credit
  • Sliding Scale


  • MH23131 (Florida license number)

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