
It may be difficult to talk to your partner, friends and family about your psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis (together called psoriatic disease) and how it affects your life. You may feel embarrassed or afraid what others may think of you. But the people who care about you know that you are so much more than your disease.

A couple embrace outside in the sun.

When you are ready, talk to those who you are close to about your psoriatic disease and how they can support you.

Talking with Others

Take the time to educate people in your life on what psoriatic disease is and how it affects you. You may be the first person they know who has psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. Remind them that psoriatic disease is not contagious and that they do not have to worry about “catching” it.

You may need different amounts of support at different times. Reach out to your support system when you need help. Ask for what you need whether that is a listening ear, a kind word or company at your next medical appointment. Most people in your support system want to help and will try their best to support you.

It may help to talk with someone who also lives with psoriatic disease. They may know the embarrassment you feel, the struggle to find the right treatment or the relief when you feel when your disease is managed well.

Dating and Intimacy

When you are ready, share with your partner how psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis may impact your confidence, body image and feelings about intimacy.

Icon illustration of two chat bubbles.

Connect with Others

Get matched with someone who has been in your shoes.

Icon illustration of holding hands.

Talk to Your Partner About Genital Psoriasis

The NPF Genital Psoriasis Quick Guide offers tips on how to talk with your partner about your disease.

Icon illustration of a map with a pin.

Meet Community Members

Check out NPF events, where you can meet other people living with psoriatic disease.

Get Personalized Assistance

Contact the Patient Navigation Center for tips and info to help your relationships.

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