Table of Contents

About Us

The National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to drive efforts to cure psoriatic disease and improve the lives of those affected.

Founded in 1967 from a tiny classified ad in a Portland, Oregon, newspaper, NPF has evolved to become the leading patient advocacy group for the more than 8 million Americans living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

National Psoriasis Foundation Strategic Plan

Fiscal years 2020 – 2024


Our Goals

Our current five-year strategic plan, which runs until June 30, 2024, is driven by these goals:

Icon illustration of a DNA strand.


Lead collaborative, transformational research in psoriatic disease.

Icon illustration of a doctor.


Increase the lifespan and health of individuals living with psoriatic disease.

Icon illustration of a hand and a heart.


Secure the human, technological and financial resources necessary to achieve our mission-related goals.

NPF Leadership

Volunteer Board of Directors and Executive Team

Learn more about our executive leadership

Medical Board and Scientific Advisory Committee

Learn more about our medical leadership

Catch the Latest NPF News and Updates

Visit our Newsroom for the latest on psoriatic disease education, advocacy and research.

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NPF does not endorse any specific treatments or medications for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

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