Access to Care Statement

The Access to Care Statement was first drafted by our medical board in 2014. It defines NPF’s “lane” for navigating our advocacy efforts and helps us to prioritizing our actions by assessing which will have the most beneficial impact on the psoriatic disease community.

This is a "living" document, and NPF's medical board, advocacy team leadership, and the national advocacy committee frequently look for opportunities to amend the document to reflect the ever changing healthcare landscape. NPF is proud that we base our policies solely on what our community needs, the voice of the patient and our provider community shape and drive our efforts.

Guided by the Access to Care Statement, NPF advocacy works to expand access to care for the psoriatic disease community. Specifically, NPF:

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Supports patient- and provider-friendly guardrails on step therapy, or fail-first policies, and the tiering of biologics and novel therapies to ensure patients have timely access to the most medically appropriate treatment.

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Supports reigning in and limiting the maximum co-insurance and out-of-pocket expenses for patients to give them access to affordable medications.

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Opposes unnecessary and restrictive bureaucratic barriers to federal and state programs that provide health care to vulnerable individuals and their caregivers.

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Opposes policies that intentionally discriminate based on psoriatic disease status or individual characteristics.

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Supports patients having the opportunity and flexibility to choose whether they will access care in-person or via telehealth technologies when feasible and/or clinically appropriate.

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