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About Research

NPF is committed to leading collaborative, transformational research that leads to better treatments and a cure for psoriatic disease.

Leading Research

With the release of the 2020 – 2024 Strategic Plan, the NPF Research Team reaffirmed its commitment to lead collaborative, transformational research in psoriatic disease by defining four focus area benchmarks:

  • Generate research resulting in higher numbers of patients in remission and identify tools to extend remission periods.
  • Fund a diagnostic test for psoriatic arthritis (PsA) that has broad clinical utility, with the test having been developed, tested, and approved for use.
  • Identify a reliable, predictive model for the onset of psoriatic disease, the potential relationship to comorbid conditions, and the best treatment practices for a cure.
  • Establish a multi‐institution, multi‐disciplinary, team‐based, virtual cluster whose stated aim is to identify an intervention that will prevent the onset of psoriatic disease or its comorbidities.

Funding Research

NPF is the largest nonprofit funder of psoriasis and PsA research in the world. Beginning with an initial investment in 1987 through the Pilot Program award, NPF has invested over $30 million in grants and fellowships focused on psoriatic disease and related comorbidities.

NPF advances research in psoriatic disease by maintaining a robust research program, contributing almost $4 million annually to support grant and fellowship programs, including support of research efforts in line with NPF’s 2020 – 2024 Strategic Plan, such as the Psoriasis Prevention Initiative and the PsA Diagnostic Test Grant.

NPF funding focuses on ‘buckets’ of expertise – training grants, traditional grants, bridge grants, and priority research initiatives.

Training opportunities focused on developing future psoriatic disease researchers and supporting the retention of early-career researchers include Psoriatic Disease Research Fellowships.

Traditional grant funding opportunities provide support across the expansive lifecycle of research. The road to better treatments begins with basic research that answers fundamental questions about disease mechanisms. Basic researchers ask important, fundamental questions, which lead to results that translational researchers transform into key treatments or interventions that improve patients’ lives.

Learn more about available NPF funding opportunities, discover our active research projects, or donate to our research efforts.

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Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis®

NPF publishes the latest research for dermatologists, rheumatologists, and the community in the Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis®.

NPF-Led Research and Publications

As a leader in collaborative, transformational psoriatic disease research, NPF-funded researchers and NPF staff have contributed dozens of publications to the scientific record.

Empowering those living with psoriatic disease to be both the subject and the scientist, NPF runs the Citizen Pscientist project, where more than seven thousand patients have joined, sharing their experiences and insights. To more fully understand the psoriatic disease community and their areas of need, NPF conducts an Annual Survey of people affected by psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

In addition to supporting research through funding opportunities, NPF conducts internal research in collaboration with the NPF Scientific Advisory Committee, COVID-19 Task Force, and Medical Board, as well as research through partnerships with other institutions, such as the LITE study.

Together for a Cure

Support research that will lead to a better understanding, better treatment options and, one day, a cure for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. 

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